Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Blogging at School

My teacher Mrs. Lane in my Multimedia class has chosen the topic for today's lesson to be on blogging. I kinda realised that I have been slacking off on my blog due to being really busy with school. Anyway, Mrs. Lane said that today we were going to create/use a blog, and it just so happened I'm already with blogger. So I decided to make a post. I don't have any pictures on my school computer, so later today I might post some pictures. But for now, I just wanted to say to bear with me, and there will be more posts to come!

For now, I do want to show you what kind of work that I do in my Multimedia class:

1. Face Replacement: Adrian to Scarface
This is a picture I took from the Scarface movie cover. I used Photoshop to remove Al Pacino's head. I then re-colored the black and white sides (where I erased the head). I got my friend Doug to take a picture of me with my head at the right angle and put it in Photoshop. I cut out my head, did all the resizing blah blah blah, then after the right coloring and placement, "Adrian Michael as Scarface" was born. This is probably my most favorite project I have done in class.

2. Full Body Replacement
This was another favorite. This assignment was done shortly after I watched the new Tron: Legacy movie. (GREAT movie by the way!) I saw the original Tron before the new one in 2011. The assignment was to put your body in a location you want to be. The Tron movie poster was perfect for this assignment because I didn't have to remove anything. There was nobody on the left side, so I just took a couple pics and put myself into the poster.

Later on when I have access to youtube to upload a video, I will post my absolute favorite video assignment.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Washed Out

Time. Time is flying by all the time. We can't see it but we feel it whenever we wake up with aches and cramps that weren't there the night before, or hair growing on our faces where it wasn't growing before. Time never stops. My dad still sees me as his little boy that used to want to be with him all the time. I was his best friend.

My dad and I had this game that we played. He would come home from work, and me being young, would already be in bed [supposed to be] asleep. I would hear the door open downstairs and our old Schnauzer, Dutches, running to the door to meet him. I would sit and my bed and wait. My dad would come upstairs and lay on my bed with his head on my chest. He used to have longer hair and I would run my fingers through it. If he said "Son, I had a tough day," I would say, "I had a rough day" and vice versa. My dad would change it up every night so that we would always say the opposite. I am 15 years old now, and slowly I am moving away from my dad. Its not that I don't love him but instead of me being there all the time, I find myself at my friends houses, and instead of "Rough day, Tough day" exchanges, its the subtle nod or "goodnight." This is because I have let that part of my life grow cold and washed out.

This is the same way it is with God sometimes. We used to eagerly await his arrival just to love on him with our prayers and worship.We used to tell God about our rough days and tough days and he would be there with His head on our chest just listening to us and loving on us. As the years go by though we slowly get too accustomed to those special times. We become washed out and become cold.

People always make New Years Resolutions that they normally end up breaking. But this year, I am making a promise to God that I will no longer take time for granted and begin to love on him more. I want to surrender my life into his hands like a child does a father. I want to run my fingers through His hair and tell him that I love him. This year lets add some color and life back to our relationship with God. Lets revive the fire that we once had for him.

Happy New Year to all. and God bless.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

New Years

Its almost the new year and I have had fun running through all of my memories. I made some pretty great ones! The name is Adrian. My mom has gotten me into blogging. This is gonna be my way to keep all my memories close, day by day, frame by frame. Life in fact, as it happens to yours truly.

The great thing about my life is I have great people to share it with. My cousins are the closest thing I have to brothers. They have been with me through just about every situation I have been through. Juan is the one I look up to the most. He gets me. David is like my little brother even though he is a week older than me. We goof off all the time. I trust him with my life. There sister Regla (Nina is what I call her) can be a pain in my rear sometimes. I guess its because shes just like my sisters. But at the end of the day I love her.

Another great thing in my life of 2010 was my friends. I have amazing friends. One in fact, that I believe is my brother but our parents are keeping it a secret! His name is Miles. Or as I like to call him, Papa Canning. Dont ask why!

I am about to say goodbye to 2010, and before I left, I wanted to give you a little peak into the important things in my life. If I have learned anything in 2010, its that your friends and family are the most important things and they will help you climb the ladder of life.

This is my first post, the first frame, the first pixel, to the very large picture of my life. I hope you enjoy!